6th Dec

Sales expert reveals ethical persuasion secrets

  • podcast
  • 45 mins

Earn more money, increase your negotiation skills and persuade people using the same ethical persuasion secrets used by the Founder of the second largest sales company in Australia.

Mark McInnes is a sales expert, author and speaker who's been using the psychology of selling to grow countless small-medium sized businesses. In this episode we discuss what sales really is, how anyone can use this skill to improve their life and career as well as Mark's top tips for those wanting to make more money in 2024.

Our Team This week

Mark Mc Innes

Mark McInnes

Founder of the 2nd Best Sales Agency in Australia

Mark is a founder, speaker and author who has helped countless small-medium sized business grow their sales. He is also the host of the Best of Sales Skills (BOSS) podcast.


Jacob Kearnes

Producer and Host

Having always had a strong interest in financial markets, Jacob completed a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics. While studying however, Jacob discovered his true passion was marketing psychology and the science behind what makes people buy. During his studies, Jacob went on to start his own e-commerce brand which laid the foundations of his marketing and business knowledge. With a good attitude, willingness to learn and friendly demeanour, Jacob makes an excellent addition to Investor Intelligence team.

FAQ Series

Have a question about investing? Ask Luke Harris.

Each month we like to present a dedicated FAQ episode where we take questions from our listeners and put them to our resident expert, Luke Harris. With more than two decades of residential and commercial investment experience under his belt, Luke has seen the best and worst of the property market.

Have a question you want answered? Let us know on the link below.